Press Release Summary = Why can\'t we take that practice to the golf course? What\'s the mysterious force that bleeds our \"seemingly capable golf swing\" of all its repeatability in such a short space of time
Press Release Body = When we walk from practice tee to first tee, all that practice usually stays behind in a realm of \"effortless, repeatable, no-anxiety applied\" golf swings.
What mysterious force bleeds our \"seemingly capable golf swing\" of all its repeatability in such a short space of time? The \"Law\" of \"Orientation\", that applies a non negotiable force of \"Cross Programming\", brought about by what you\'ve practiced before starting the golf round.
Visual information received during that 20 - 40 minutes was restricted to the same area of practice range. Repeating the same shot ad nauseam for the entire session doesn\'t program anything to into your \"I\'m going to play golf on a golf course in 40 minutes\" computer. You\'ve firmly implanted a program of hitting both sequentially and quickly. Shooting towards the same target repeatedly. None of that preparation will apply in the course of playing a \"normal\" round of golf. \"Normal\" for most club golfers means hitting a driver from the first tee, second shot from the rough; missing the green, leaving a tough chip to save a par or bogey!
If that\'s \"normal”, what where you doing before your round? Not practicing golf! You weren\'t preparing yourself for the realities of golf shots executed in a game of golf:
1. The practice failed to give your brain correct messages to enable an orientation program compatible with the task you are about to undertake. 2. You\'ve developed a repetitious program no help in playing different golf shots to different types of visual targets with realistic time frame intervals between shots.
Arriving on the first tee huge amounts of new visual data hit the brain\'s dissemination mechanisms, conflicting with the orderly programmed practice session that\'s just taken place. None of the practice data is relevant to the current situation of timing and phasing of one specific starting tee shot.
Orientation is programmed on the practice tee by way of a disciplined approach to your practice methodology. To repeat the same shot to the same target will at best be beneficial in terms of physical exercise only.
Become imaginative when hitting shots before playing: 1. Time frames that are not short in duration and repetition 2. Hit different shots from different lies to different targets, even to the extent of moving from one end of the range to the other 3. Don\'t let yourself become comfortable in a specific area on the range. The comfort factor becomes a security blanket that can never be taken onto the golf course.
For practice golf to make perfect golf, practice as you will be expected to play on the golf course. You\'ll get far more satisfaction from a practice session utilizing this approach, and your real shotmaking skills will improve dramatically.
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